Every woman deserves a postpartum check up after having a baby, whether you had a vaginal birth or c-section. Pelvic floor physical therapy is the best treatment option for getting you back to feeling your best so you can take care of kids and do the workouts you love.

One problem I hear from a lot of women is that they had their babies 5, 10, even 20 years ago and they think it’s too late to work on the problems they have had since giving birth. It is not too late! The following is a list of the many conditions women experience after giving birth:

  • Pelvic Pain

  • Incontinence: Bladder or Bowel Leakage

  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse

  • Diastasis Recti or “Mom Pooch”

  • C-Section Scar Pain

  • Painful Intercourse

  • SI joint pain

  • Tailbone pain

  • Groin pain

  • Constipation

These problems are really common, but they are not normal! And yes, it is never too late to start working on yourself! The human body is amazing and can do remarkable things.

We have a proven Movement Physio and Wellness 3-Step Method to help get rid of your postpartum issues and give you the confidence to return back to your workouts. The 3-Step Method works in three phases: Elongate, Elevate, and Empower.




We need to calm down the nervous system in order to reduce your pain and length tissues that are tight. We do this by incorporating breathwork and hands-on manual therapy techniques to get your muscles to relax. (Visits 1-4)




Once the tissues are calmed down and your pain is reduced, we will work on the brain to muscle connection and re-educate the muscles to fire the correct way. (Visits 5-8)




We work on functional strengthening of the muscles to help keep you strong and prevent this problem from returning again. We make sure you have all the “tools” in your “toolbox” so you feel empowered to take care of your body so you never experience this problem again! (Visits 9-12)

I was SO happy that I stumbled into a pelvic floor workshop that Andrea was speaking at last weekend. I have suffered from severe postpartum lower back pain for the past 8 months and I was at my breaking point. I reached out to her after the class and explained my situation. She was happy to help and walked me through how common this type of pain is (and why) and assured me that it’s fixable - something I really needed to hear. I’ll be working with Andrea over the next several weeks and I am absolutely thrilled. She really knows her stuff and I am confident that working with her will get me back up and running!

Arvada, CO